
COVID-19 from an OSHA Perspective

March 17, 2020

We're all feeling uncertainty right now. We've had a few consistent safety questions from our clients and want to address them. 


What should be done from an OSHA perspective? Are you able to assist with the Center for Disease Control (CDC's) recommendations for a response plan around Infectious disease? In response, we thought it may be helpful to share the information below. 


From an OSHA perspective, when a public health emergency is declared, employers are still required to "provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm."  During these difficult times, providing safety training is an appropriate way to keep your workplace safe, your employees engaged with your company and up-to-date with any safety certifications that can be difficult to complete during the day to day operations.


We're currently offering virtual training that can be taken from a cell phone or computer.  These trainings will be interactive including Q&A, live viewing of the instructor, and attendee engagement.  These are available on a wide range of safety topics that can be customized to your business. 


Regarding an appropriate response plan, OSHA and the CDC continue to recommend that employers have written policies and procedures that pertain to all infectious diseases. Ascent can assist in the development of a plan to reduce employee exposure to COVID-19.


An Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan includes a written policy, virtual training, and ongoing consultation which we can provide. The following components are necessary:


  • Identifying where and how exposure may occur (at-risk areas)
  • Identify Workers’ individual risk factors
  • Establish the controls necessary to address those risk
  • Implement Prevention Measures
  • Prompt identification and isolation of sick people
  • Workplace controls – Engineering, Administrative and Safe Work Practices​
  • Ongoing Communication Plan 


With all that's going on, we all have an obligation more than ever to provide a safe work environment to employees. If you're interested in discussing further or have any additional questions, please let us know. 



Ascent Safety Team